
Showing posts from 2012

Right Now I Love...


Right Now I Love...

Dear My Closest Friend

Fighting My Hardest

Some Emergency Compliments

Just a Short Late-Night Task List

Just a Bunch of "Someday" Thoughts.


A Lovely, Lazy (But Not Really) Day

My Day in a Rather Large Nutshell: I am Not Concise

What's Going On?

too spazzy.

Lucy Helps Me.

can we start this day over, please?


10 Things I'd Need if I Lived Alone (Except I Couldn't Think of 10 so it's Really 8)

A Horribly Honest Look at My Prayer Life

I think they're onto me...

Dear Dad....

Dear Future Nicole...

He Said - Group 1 Crew

A Beating Heart

what's going on...

Yay for...

some pictures

Twice - Christina Rossetti


I Wear My Dreams

Where I Want To Be

I may not be the best girl...