I loved you first, I loved you first

I made banana bread today. Just for fun. I must be losing it. I was just making a smoothie for breakfast and I saw these extremely overripe bananas, and I thought, "you know what I want to make today? Banana bread." And then I just got this really weird craving to clean the kitchen so I did the dishes and washed all the counters, just so I could make banana bread! Just so I could dirty the kitchen and dirty more dishes! I am turning into a MOM! (look of shock and horror)

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment with Dr. Colonna in Whitefish... the one thing I noticed about him is that when he came into the room, he immediately started talking to ME, not my mom. I appreciated that. I am the patient, and I deserve some say (although my mom ultimately has the checkbook! hahaha). He shook my hand and asked me how old I am, and then he said, "Wanna date my son? He's 17." I said sure. Overall, the atmosphere of his office was friendly and entirely un-pushy. well... almost entirely. The hygienist was positive I have to do this whitening process because as an adolescent my teeth are yellower and if I decide later in life that I want to whiten my teeth, I won't be able to, because the implant will be made specifically to match the color of my teeth... and on and on she went. Then when Dr. Colonna came in, he said, "oh, you can do that if you want, but you certainly don't have to. I don't think you need it." And I wanted to stick my tongue out at Miss Priss the Hygienist.

My senior pictures are scheduled for the 30th. I'm nervous, excited, and... well... I don't know. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to become an adult and have adult responsibilities... and I don't want to have to take care of myself when I'm sick. And I never NEVER want to be alone at night. The pictures will be nice, but.... couldn't I just freeze time? =\


Enraged yet? said…
Getting old is a great thing!!!! I can't wait till I'm a senior!

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