What's Going On...

Well. I'm working 30 hour weeks, next week I start training as a server (yes! XD), I'm working out everyday to get ready for Jill's wedding, and I'm so very behind in my Bible reading. For awhile, I tried doing it at night after I got home from work, but the past few nights have been so late that when I get home I just fall into bed and sleep. Yesterday I left the house in tears because my room was a mess and I couldn't find my keys... I was just all-around stressed. When I got home around 1:30 AM, I found a clean room with a fixed bed. <3 my mom is the best, I will just say that. 

So where will you find me today? I will spend my early afternoon at home, working on French (I'm getting a jump start for  my class in the fall), reading my Bible, practicing voice and piano, and cleaning up a bit. Then I'll head off to the Summit to work out hard, shower, and then to work at 5! I'm guessing work will tire me out today, so I'll probably head home right after - and I should be back about 10:30. I may have to hit up City Brew today. This is basically what my life consists of. *shrug* 

However, in other news: beginning in the fall, I will be directing the homeschool junior choir (ages 5-7)! I'm so excited for this opportunity; it works perfectly with my schedule, plus I have been waiting for this opportunity foreeeevvvverrrr!!! (also, a little spending money would be nice. *wink*) I love the junior choir. This year is just going to be so much fun. 

I had better go get started on my day. It's almost noon, and I'm not technically out of bed yet... Be blessed in the LORD today :) 

P.S., to see some pretty photos of me, go here. 


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