Buzz Buzz Buzz

Good evening, all.

It's actually two minutes to Friday morning, and I do need to work, but I accidentally drank caffeinated chai and so I thought I'd stay up and ramble about my life for a minute.

Here is my schedule.

Monday and Wednesday:
New Testament Survey 8:00-9:20
Intro to Biblical Counseling 9:30-10:50
Logic 12:40-1:30
Apologetics 1:40-3:00

Tuesday and Thursday:
Applied Bible Study Methods 8:00-8:50
Gospel of John 9:00-9:50
Christian Missions Perspectives 10:00-10:50
Chapel 11:00-11:50

I'm also scheduled to work at Ace on Mondays from 3:30-9:00, Thursdays 12:30-9:00, Fridays 10:00-5:00 and every other Saturday and Sunday 9:00-6:00.

So far, I'm sort of in a daze.. If someone asks me what classes I'm taking, I can remember that there are seven but I can't list them all. I've already started on homework assignments. A lot of classes have something due every single class period (*coughcounselingcough*). I'm required to do things like pick out a sin issue in my life to work on over the semester, read and summarize each book of the New Testament, read the gospel of John 15 times, give a ten minute presentation in front of the class, listen to hours of sermons, write pages and pages of papers, and read giant textbooks. It's going to probably be the hardest few months of my life, right now. Last semester when I was weeping over finals that loomed over my head like dark cliffs will probably seem like a cakewalk compared to this. And yet.. I'm okay with having a hard time with this stuff. I recognize it for what it is - an opportunity for trust. If I was automatically good at things... If studying came easily... If I didn't make stupid mistakes at work... If I tested well... If I lost weight without trying... If stuff was EASY for me, I would turn away from Christ.

And that is something I never want to do. It's why I'm here, to learn to cling to Him. And something I thought of: He already knows all the homework. He invented the subjects ^_^

What I'm (about to be) reading: Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont
What I'm (really) reading: The Wizard of Oz
What I (should be) reading: New Testament Survey by Merrill C. Tenney

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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