My Life Isn't That Interesting
At the request of my persistent uncle, it is once again my undertaking to blog "more often" [than twice a year]. He asks me each Christmas Eve if I've been blogging lately, to which I usually reply, "not really, my life isn't that interesting." Or some such thing. He urges me to take it up again and I promise to do better next year. So here we are in 2016!
As I write this, I'm sitting in my messy office/room. I have already failed on my resolution to make my bed every day in 2016. Oh well, maybe next year. I just got home from getting groceries (I finally spent <$50), I'm thinking of attempting to make a quinoa crust pizza for tomorrow, I observed someone at the grocery store getting arrested, and I refrained from buying coffee or cookie dough. It's been a fairly productive day. I designed a mantra - or, not really a mantra, because I looked up the definition of "mantra" and it doesn't really fit the thing I designed. Maybe a pledge - with the intent of saying it daily this year, every morning as I prepare to face my day. It's hanging up by my mirror. I thought I would start the year by sharing it with all of you, and maybe also a few of the impending changes in my life. This is where it starts to get different!
Daily Pledge
Today is going to be a good day.
I thank God for waking me up today.
I'm going to work, so I can completely pay off my debts and begin to live a blessed life*, and so I can learn to be the leader that God has created me to be.
Today I will be empowered with the tools to be successful, within my community and throughout the country.
I apply myself daily.
I study, I complete tasks, and I ask questions when I don't understand.
I realize the importance of keeping my word.
When I'm confronted with a problem or a conflict, I think before I react.
I ignore all negative influences.
I make good choices throughout my day that promote a healthy mind and a healthy body.
Today I'm going to make steps towards completing my goals so that I'm closer than I was yesterday.
I'm extremely proud to be the next generation of Christian leaders. I accept the responsibility and I love the challenge.
So there's that! If you want to watch the video that inspired me to make this, you may do so, here. I adapted a little bit because the child in the video is six and goes to school for most of his day, and I do that almost none of my day. I also wanted to add a little bit about working out and eating/drinking well ("promote a healthy mind and a healthy body"), and paying off my debts.
So a few of the changes that have come up recently are as follows:
- I decided not to attend Bible college anymore, because I want to finish my music degree (which is what I have been using/want to use).
- plans are in the works for me to move to Seattle with my middle brother, Jonathan, and his wife, who are currently living in Atlanta. Part of my reason for doing this is to be closer to my boyfriend (who is in The Dalles, OR, but also has plans to move to Seattle), and I feel like if I'm going to move to a big city the conditions would be kind of ideal. No hunting for roommates, etc. So I will keep all of you posted on that development as it unfolds more.
- The focus of this year will be paying off debts for me, I think. As I mentioned in my not-mantra. I met with someone from my church who showed me some Dave Ramsey tricks to paying off debts, so I'll be putting those into action probably this month, all while trying to grow my Arbonne business (while carefully not going into debt to have products) and save money for the potential move. It's going to be busy.
- I'm also about to fill out an online application for MSU. This was my mom's suggestion. I'm just really really over taking classes in a classroom, so after I made my decision not to continue with Bible school, I had my heart pretty set on doing a music degree online. I've heard such things exist. However, my mom made the suggestion that since my move would happen probably after semester's end, I should try to take (at least) one class at MSU because then all my credits would be one nice, easy transcript, since I'm about 99% sure that most of what I have taken in college the last six years will transfer over to MSU. But there's no telling if a school in Seattle would arbitrarily decide that, no, doctrine classes aren't "electives" and please start all over again. I think a huge part of why I'm even writing this is procrastinating the stupid application process. Blechh. However, Boyfriend claims you only need a C overall to be accepted, and I think a C is probably the lowest grade I have gotten. So that's reassuring.
That's probably enough for now. Sorry to vomit life-changes all over you. I'm trying to start fresh or whatever. I'm raising my cup of honey chamomile tea to all the adventures 2016 will bring! #YearOfNoFear!
* I'm not implying that my life isn't blessed right NOW, because it absolutely is. I'm mostly referencing a series we did at church on financial freedom, when the point was that until you are debt free you are not truly financially blessed. Just thought I would provide a bit of context for that statement. I'll also shortly be reading The Blessed Life by Robert Morris, probably after I finish reading through the Harry Potter series, which is along those same lines.
As I write this, I'm sitting in my messy office/room. I have already failed on my resolution to make my bed every day in 2016. Oh well, maybe next year. I just got home from getting groceries (I finally spent <$50), I'm thinking of attempting to make a quinoa crust pizza for tomorrow, I observed someone at the grocery store getting arrested, and I refrained from buying coffee or cookie dough. It's been a fairly productive day. I designed a mantra - or, not really a mantra, because I looked up the definition of "mantra" and it doesn't really fit the thing I designed. Maybe a pledge - with the intent of saying it daily this year, every morning as I prepare to face my day. It's hanging up by my mirror. I thought I would start the year by sharing it with all of you, and maybe also a few of the impending changes in my life. This is where it starts to get different!
Daily Pledge
Today is going to be a good day.
I thank God for waking me up today.
I'm going to work, so I can completely pay off my debts and begin to live a blessed life*, and so I can learn to be the leader that God has created me to be.
Today I will be empowered with the tools to be successful, within my community and throughout the country.
I apply myself daily.
I study, I complete tasks, and I ask questions when I don't understand.
I realize the importance of keeping my word.
When I'm confronted with a problem or a conflict, I think before I react.
I ignore all negative influences.
I make good choices throughout my day that promote a healthy mind and a healthy body.
Today I'm going to make steps towards completing my goals so that I'm closer than I was yesterday.
I'm extremely proud to be the next generation of Christian leaders. I accept the responsibility and I love the challenge.
So there's that! If you want to watch the video that inspired me to make this, you may do so, here. I adapted a little bit because the child in the video is six and goes to school for most of his day, and I do that almost none of my day. I also wanted to add a little bit about working out and eating/drinking well ("promote a healthy mind and a healthy body"), and paying off my debts.
So a few of the changes that have come up recently are as follows:
- I decided not to attend Bible college anymore, because I want to finish my music degree (which is what I have been using/want to use).
- plans are in the works for me to move to Seattle with my middle brother, Jonathan, and his wife, who are currently living in Atlanta. Part of my reason for doing this is to be closer to my boyfriend (who is in The Dalles, OR, but also has plans to move to Seattle), and I feel like if I'm going to move to a big city the conditions would be kind of ideal. No hunting for roommates, etc. So I will keep all of you posted on that development as it unfolds more.
- The focus of this year will be paying off debts for me, I think. As I mentioned in my not-mantra. I met with someone from my church who showed me some Dave Ramsey tricks to paying off debts, so I'll be putting those into action probably this month, all while trying to grow my Arbonne business (while carefully not going into debt to have products) and save money for the potential move. It's going to be busy.
- I'm also about to fill out an online application for MSU. This was my mom's suggestion. I'm just really really over taking classes in a classroom, so after I made my decision not to continue with Bible school, I had my heart pretty set on doing a music degree online. I've heard such things exist. However, my mom made the suggestion that since my move would happen probably after semester's end, I should try to take (at least) one class at MSU because then all my credits would be one nice, easy transcript, since I'm about 99% sure that most of what I have taken in college the last six years will transfer over to MSU. But there's no telling if a school in Seattle would arbitrarily decide that, no, doctrine classes aren't "electives" and please start all over again. I think a huge part of why I'm even writing this is procrastinating the stupid application process. Blechh. However, Boyfriend claims you only need a C overall to be accepted, and I think a C is probably the lowest grade I have gotten. So that's reassuring.
That's probably enough for now. Sorry to vomit life-changes all over you. I'm trying to start fresh or whatever. I'm raising my cup of honey chamomile tea to all the adventures 2016 will bring! #YearOfNoFear!
* I'm not implying that my life isn't blessed right NOW, because it absolutely is. I'm mostly referencing a series we did at church on financial freedom, when the point was that until you are debt free you are not truly financially blessed. Just thought I would provide a bit of context for that statement. I'll also shortly be reading The Blessed Life by Robert Morris, probably after I finish reading through the Harry Potter series, which is along those same lines.