Coley's Feel-Betters
Got SAD? Here are a few of my feel-betters that work all year long.
1) Always start & end with your bed. If I can make my bed in the morning and that's all I do all day... I still feel like I've done a lot.
2) Animal print underwear. I'm not kidding, it helps.
3) Giant yellow beanbag chairs. I understand these are hard to come by, so you're always welcome to come & use mine.
4) Coffeecoffeecoffee. Cold or hot or blended or black. Doesn't matter. It's a feel-better. I find it's better to pay $4.15 and have the best day ever each day than the alternative...
5) The Office. Self-explanatory.
6) Clean your space. When your room isn't cluttered, usually your mind isn't either. See #1.
7) Dove dark chocolate. If I thought anyone would believe me, I'd tell you that I only eat them for the cutesy messages on the inside.
8) Journal it up. Need to study? Who cares? Write a poem first. Homework can wait 15 minutes while you empty your heart.
9) Be pretty. Make yourself feel good.
10) Smile. On purpose. With intention. :)
1) Always start & end with your bed. If I can make my bed in the morning and that's all I do all day... I still feel like I've done a lot.
2) Animal print underwear. I'm not kidding, it helps.
3) Giant yellow beanbag chairs. I understand these are hard to come by, so you're always welcome to come & use mine.
4) Coffeecoffeecoffee. Cold or hot or blended or black. Doesn't matter. It's a feel-better. I find it's better to pay $4.15 and have the best day ever each day than the alternative...
5) The Office. Self-explanatory.
6) Clean your space. When your room isn't cluttered, usually your mind isn't either. See #1.
7) Dove dark chocolate. If I thought anyone would believe me, I'd tell you that I only eat them for the cutesy messages on the inside.
8) Journal it up. Need to study? Who cares? Write a poem first. Homework can wait 15 minutes while you empty your heart.
9) Be pretty. Make yourself feel good.
10) Smile. On purpose. With intention. :)