count me in as "who cares".
I love The Office.
I don't even know what is so great about it... Minus the fact that it's hilarious and quotable (those who follow me on twitter are already aware of my opinion on "#theoffice quotes" hahaha), but somehow it rather feels like real life, too. I did get a little emotional through the course of Jim and Pam's relationship, and thought their realistic-ish wedding was the cutest. Yes, Dwight bothers me too, yet he is strangely lovable. Who doesn't love a world where people have oodles of time to prank each other? And where the weird blonde keeps a cat in the filing cabinet?
I finished season 6 today and I wondered what I will do when I have watched all the available episodes on Netflix (I think I have one more to go). I could start the second season of Lost (I finished the first season over Christmas break and didn't want to start the second until I knew I could watch it consistently, because sometimes I forget important details), or I could get back into Secret Life (shhhhh, I would never admit to watching that!!), OR I could go back and watch Monk or Psych (I am really enjoying linking the wikipedia articles for these shows hahaha). *sigh* I just don't even know. TV shows are like books, only you can watch them ^_^
What is your favorite TV show?
Also definitely like Gilmore Girls, currently have been watching Parenthood which I've really loved.
My dad is in love with Bones but I haven't watched that one yet.