2019 Book List and a Bucket List Redo
When I sat down to make a blog post today, I was planning on just listing out the books I read in 2019 (don't worry, that's still coming). Then I looked at my blog. Then I looked at my pages. It screamed, "19-year-old Nicole!!!". So, now I have spent the last hour revamping my bucket list and my about me which have both completely changed in the last too many years. I'm also drinking a huge cup of hazelnut coffee and cursing my laptop whenever the E doesn't press. Come on. It's the most common letter of the English alphabet. Why not X? I almost never use X. BUT back to the book list. 2019 was the first year that I logged every book I read. My goal was 52 (one book per week) but my real goal was 64 because I wanted to read one personal growth book each month. My final count was 48, so in 2020 I intend to read more than that! Here's the list (in the order I read them) 1. Since We Fell - Dennis Lahane 2. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burg...